Saturday, April 5, 2008

Riddle Me This

"After you've heard two eyewitness accounts of an auto accident, you begin to worry about history." ~Author Unknown

You know, I never thought of this. Two peoples' realities could be so different that what they saw may be the same, but in the end they are explained differently. Each person may have picked out different details and explained the same actions two different ways...bring about two different emotions or imaginations within the person this situation is being explained to.

How are we supposed to decipher this? Maybe, with history, there is really a different outcome than what we have all learned. Maybe World War II wasn't as bad as we thought, but because we imagined it the way one person explained it to us, it has been turned and twisted.


Megan said...

I agree that historical events can be misinterpreted, especially when the accounts are one-sided. But with an event like WWII where there are so many personal accounts, it is not possible to deny the terrible things that happened.

Katie Collins said...

some people say it didn't happen...that the whole genocide of the jews was a hoax. Just like people say that the landing on the moon was actually done in a studio.