Monday, April 7, 2008

America, America...

"Are we truly internationalist? Can we get beyond patriotism? Or, in the end, are we just Americans?"

Or, in the end, are we just Americans? Let us consult for a second.
American (n) -
(1) Technically, an American is someone from the Americas - i.e. North or South America
(2) An American is someone who lives in the USA. Not all americans are overweight, ignorant pricks with an addiction to burgers and flag waving. Some of them are actually friendly, intelligent people!
(3) legal resident of the United States; not really a nationality since everybody came here from somewhere else
(4) Probablly the most bashed on country in the world.
(5) Denotation: Someone living in the Americas, North or South, more commonly refering to those in the US.
Conotation(neg):arrogant, proud (of nothing), stupid, hick, redneck, bible thumpers, etc
Conotation(pos):hardworki ng, proud (of their actions), loyal, dedicated, etc
Conotation(neutral): god-fearing, christian, melting-pot-people, etc
(6) An American is a fat arrogant bastard - usually armed to the teeth with guns and hamburgers - who hates everything and everyone who doesn't hate everything and everyone. Also he may be inbred.
(7) Someone who loves mock other countries, act, talk, and look incredibly tacky and/or cheesy, and who loves to pervert the english language.
(8) Cultureless, mindless bastards who for the most part have no idea about the rest of the world...

Can anyone be "just American" if no one truly knows what American is? Some of these defitions say "we" are kind, caring people...others say we are mindless bastards...some just say it means we are residents. Which are we supposed to believe? At times, I guess we can say we fit all of these definitions. But does that make us "just American"? If we are orignally from all over the place, can we really be just one thing?

Arguing number 8: Are we really cultureless? I think not. You cannot live without culture. We may not be the same culture as the person who wrote that definition, but we have a culture of our own. It may be quite messed up at times, but it is a culture nonetheless. You cannot deny this. And I have a mind of my own...I don't listen to everything the media or the government tells I cannot be mindless...and I'm not a bastard. And I like to think that I know a relative amount of information about international relations and the status of other countries. This is all assuming I am "American".

Concuring with 1: Why do we think of just ourselves as American? The people from Mexico trying to come into our country are Americans too. They are from North America. Why do we get to take this title and they do not? Is it just because we weren't creative enough to come up with a better name that we had to use the name that was also to continent which we were on?

Concuring with 3: The only true Americans are Native Americans, correct?

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