Monday, April 7, 2008

Patriotic Patriotism

"Are we truly internationalist? Can we get beyond patriotism? Or, in the end, are we just Americans?"

Can we get beyond patriotism?
patriotism (n) - devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.
Again, no. I don't think we can get past patriotism. Having a devotion to something as strong as something such as a loyalty to a country is very hard to get over. Unless something radical occurs like an American Revolution Part Dos, then I think we won't be able to overcome this.

We have a strong urge to protect and defend our country. (Ex. see war we are in that started right after we were attacked) Everyone wants to defend what is theirs and this country is, in essence, ours. Even to take it down a notch, just think of a family. Someone attacks your little sister and you are going to defend them, no matter what it takes. That is a form of patriotism within your family.

Within any community there is patriotism. High school rivalries have patriotism. Just think of the Red Sox and the Yankees. Their is patriotism to each respective team.

People try to put the lable on patriotism that is has to deal with just a nation, when in fact it is just an ordinary human emotion that no one can truly surpass.

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