Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fa la la la la?

Music is what you make it.

Amanda had wrote in her blog that a thunderstorm on CD isn't music, but rather just a thunderstorm...on CD. I disagree. Music is noise, music is different to the individual. Some consider thunderstorms music. Like the Native Americans, they dance to thunderstorms making that the music, and no one can deny them their right of believing that is music. I might not think it is music, but in some cultures it is.

Just like many say Rap isn't music, it's just people talking. But it's noise, and any noise can be construed as music to someone. Anything you can find a beat in. You can hear a beat in a jackhammer and then find other beats in the environment that go with it. This all makes its own music.

Music is in the ear of the beholder. I don't believe anyone can deny something that makes noise the right to be music.

1 comment:

David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Perhaps some organized noise can be taken as music even if not created as such.