Sunday, February 24, 2008

Time and the Soul

"This implies that there was no beginning, nor will there be an end to time, for terminal points are, by definition, different from all others in being without a predecessor or successor. "

Without a doubt, this brings us back to the whole "is there a beginning" question which I am quite sure will never be proven or disproven. And to keep arguing that point is somewhat pointless in my mind at this point.

But when I read the above quote in Prof. Johnson's blog, and in mind that we are going to be talking about religions, I thought of the soul. If there is no end of time, does this mean that there is no end of time for what we consider our souls? And was there no beginning? If there cannot be a predecessor or a successor then this must be true. We must have forever been around in some form and we will forever continue to be around.

I would like to think this is true just for the sake of thinking that there is something beyond this cruel world. Believe that something from you will continue on into forever just seems to bring some sense of joy into the world and the feeling that there are things better. And if time is to never end, then those good times are to never end also, correct?

I consider myself to be nondemoinational Christian. In other words, I'm not Catholic. I feel as if I need to put this in here as a disclaimer for when we do start talking about religions. I can be rather opinionate due to the fact that I have experienced some very interesting things with my faith and have been through much in my life that has brought me out stonger from it. Some will say I am closed minded, to which I may respond that they are closed minded for not considering what I believe to be true, the truth. That last paragraph was slightly random, but may it give you a heads up to the fact that I most likely will speak my mind on those subjects...and some may not like my views on religion...


David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Your views are, of course, most welcome. Most importantly, whatever our professed beliefs, we should all engage each other civilly and with an open mind. It's not, after all, important to our discussions "who happens to believe what"; rather, our focus should be on "what reasons are there to believe x"?

amanda said...

alrighty schanazzie jr, so you talk about what happens after death and how its nice to believe that theres something happy waiting for you after life, and while it is a comforting thought, how do you know whats on the other side is so great? and why would you want your self to go on forever? dont you think theres just a time where youll be sick of just hanging around and want it all to end? maybe thinking that after you die, you can finally rest and be at peace is more comforting than thinking that there really is something on the other side...i kinda weird...but you love me : )