Thursday, February 28, 2008

Blind Religions are Scientifically Lame

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." - Albert Einstein

There are many reasons why I used this quote.
1. For anyone who knows me, one of my favorite words recently is "lame"
2. I'm a science major
3. I'm a Christian
4. This describes my life based on the above reasons

In my mind, it is quite impossible to have one without the other. Religion can give so many different ideas for things that can be proved by science. The theories of creationism and evolution are the big ones in my mind right now. With the idea of religion comes the thoughts of supernatural phenomenon that, to any scientist, is a gold mind of ideas to prove.

I have had experiences with in my religious past that I have tried very hard to find answers for. As to why I suddenly fell to the floor without feeling faint...why I had this emotional reaction to something without even thinking about it...why I was shaking all of a sudden. Through medicine and other scientific means of research I have tried to find reasons for these, but I have come up with nothing concrete that fits the standards I am looking for. So for the time being, I need to assume that those experiences were really caused by something supernatural.

Honestly, I'm not so sure that there is a way that we can explain everything that happens in this world. There is just so much and it goes so indepth that there is no way anyone could comprehend everything about it. Which in a way is sad because I would truly love to know how everything works and why certain things happen. But one day maybe we will hit a point where our intelligence can no longer go any further and there are still things we cannot explain...what then? At the point we can no longer turn to science. Will the default be turning to the supernatural and a certian religion?

Perhaps one day we will know everything and religion will become obsolete. At that point, what is the point? Do we really want to reach a point in our world where everything is known and there is no more to learn? For someone like me, I would not want to live in a world like that. I'm a habitual students...I love to learn...if there was no more for me to learn and everything could easily be explained, I would feel like I had no purpose. Thinking that there is always something more out there and maybe even something that we cannot explain is what truly keeps the world turning in my mind.

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