Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Reality of Reality

"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." ~Jules de Gaultier

Why is it that many just refuse to accept a reality? It is as if accepting a reality would be to completely reject all others. But as I'm sure we have all learned, this is not true. Accepting a reality, to me, is accepting your life as your own. Pretty much just saying it is real and has meaning.

But then the imagination comes in and seems to blow all this away. At night, or even during the day, people dream of what life could be. Maybe something that is better than their current status. This causes people to question their reality and, in many occasions, declare that this reality either needs to become non-existent or that it is far inferior to the alternate reality that they have created in this mind.

Everyone creates alternate realities using their imagination...it's basically called playing the "what if" game. But this is no reason to reject what is true. No reason to reject what is now. Rejecting this reality that you live in now hypothetically makes you live in no reality. Is this possible? Can anything exist outside of a reality? If it isn't in a reality, then it most certainly cannot be real.

Lions, and Tigers, and Imagined realities....oh my.


amanda said...

As a regular daydreamer, I know exactly what you're talking about. And it's not that I'm trying to reject my own reality, it's just that (and as one of my best friends, I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about here) sometimes...reality just sucks. bad things happen, and you do things you wish you could take back, and daydreaming is a way of kinda, vacationing. It's a way to temporarily forget about your reality, knowing that you will come back to it and that it is still your reality, but living in your imagination for a little while ultimately helps you deal with your reality.

Nikki said...

You made a comment about people not accepting reality as it is. This implies that there is an objective reality...I feel that reality is subjective, and therefor you cannot really accept or reject reality. Also, to some people daydreams are more real than the "real world." Look at some of the insane murderers and their resonings, it's all in their heads, but to them it is reality. A perfect example is in the movie FACES OF THE ENEMY, which we watched last semester in Intro to Honors. There was a murderer who had killed an entire family because they wouldn't give him vital information about the Nazis (I am pretty sure it was Nazis)--this all occured long after WW2 ended. When asked if he felt that he did anything wrong, he said that no, he didn't...he said that he was defending his country.

What I am trying to say is that what goes on in people's heads is often more of a reality than what occurs in the rest of the world and therefor we really do not know about a reality to accept or reject.


David K. Braden-Johnson said...

NP writes: "reality is subjective, and therefor you cannot really accept or reject reality."

Do you really mean that; or should you say "our conception of reality is subjective..."?

Nikki said...

In response to DKJ:
I think that there is an objective reality somewhere, but we are incapable of finding it. There is no way that we can see past our subjective realities. I mean, there have been cases where there have been many witnesses to a crime and none o them can agree on what exactly the culprit looked like.