Saturday, March 8, 2008

A vs A...will A win?

"I considered atheism, but there weren't enough holidays." ~Author Unknown

I find it very hard to not believe in something supernatural. I feel like no matter what you kind of need it as a fall back to explain the unexplainable. If you are agnostic, then how to you explain those which science has no explanation for right now? In essence, everything needs an explanation. Granted the explanation may change...but it still always has one. Believe in the supernatural is a fall back in many peoples eyes, but it works nonetheless.

With agnosticism you at least understand that there might be something supernatural and not completely rejecting the idea as atheists do. In my mind, agnostics are more open-minded to the fact that there might be something bigger than them out there controlling what is happening here, but they don't necessarily believe it completely. Just like not everyone believes everything that scientists say the first time.

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